The Truth is out there

Although Many believe different things if you allow yourself to ask the question someone out there will give you an answer. If your looking for that here you should seek medical help quick...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Climbing is hard!

Yesterday I ventured to the climbing gym for the first time in two full months. I suprised a couple people since they haven't seen or heard from me in that time. It was fun but I did notice a little loss in overall strength. I was able to finish a lap at the beginning and end of my climbing so I am glad I have some endurance to build off of. Overall I am glad with how I did and I see now how nice it is to just go climbing for the sake of climbing. The competitions aren't for a few months so I think i'll just keep enjoying and train later...

Peace Out!

post script: It will be in the 80's by this weekend which means that my beloved 100 degree weather will be back. That's right Todd the splender that is heat hotter than an oven is just around the corner and my smile just got larger.


Should I feel rejected that my sister moved me out of her top eight on MySpace? Now don't get me wrong she also moved our brother and mother out of there also. Who does she think she is.....

Anyways I am more intent on surviving during a baby overload in my life. Ahley wants a baby BAD and we have already agreed to wait until June/July before we start trying. The challenge is that our Friends Stephanie and Lisa are both pregnant and My sister (it's a girl, boy, girl). Her sister stated that her and husband are going to start trying and Ashley is running the baby shower
for Lisa. The combination of these things are making my life that much more daunting when the "lets have a baby NOW" discussion comes up.

Peace out!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The cold sucks

If you read this and are in Vegas I think you'd agree that this recent cold front sucks ass!

Come on 100+ weather I've been waiting for you to return...

Peace Out!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Movie Night!!

In an effort to thwart the inner workings of the demons known as work and responsibility I have conceived a plan. This plan is to gather fellow men (a maybe a female or two) over to the house and watch some flicks. Yes that's right the powerful effect of regaining some independance from the shackles of work ethic and his nasty brother overtime. It will be a group effort dialed in on the complete relaxation and comradarie of each other for the goal of enjoying a freakin weekend. Cause Damn!

So far the consensus is to watch Office Space followed up with Episodes (numbers undetermined at the moment) of The Office (english or american version again undetermined). While still in its beginning stages I think this plan has a chance of working. My only foe would be myself not remembering if we are already commited to something my wife told me about 6 weeks ago or the fact that the wife might not agree with the congregating at the casa. But we will see. I am determined however to eventually have people over to our house regardless of the opposition (don't tell her I said that :-)

Peace Out!

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Work Dichotomy

As Todd put it, there is comfort in knowing that at our individual jobs the stress and down right crap we have to deal with is not rare. I know that it doesn't make the crap go away but then again knowing you are not the only one cringing at every new email and each phone call that comes in makes it a little more bearable. So what is it about work that we allow ourselves be treated in such a way? Is it the simple fact that we need a paycheck? Is it that we want to prove to the people around us that we are made of steel and nothing will affect us? Why do allow the stress to turn our hair gray and us to lose or gain weight because we cope by eating or not eating. Can we maintain this work environment for the 40+ years it takes to build up that nest egg to allow us to retire and live off the hard work we produced for all those years? What of those who do not have the adequate retirement plan and are not actively planning for that event? Do we just work until one day that ulcer explodes in a blaze of glory releasing its deadly toxins into our body and we realize that it is work itself that is our demise? I think that it is understood that less than 1% of the world works in an area where they love their jobs, athletes, actors/actresses, doctors etc. and about 5% of the world enjoy their jobs enough to stick with it for the time needed and retire off of that hard work. It's the other 95% (the 1% is part of the 5%) that either had the career fall in their laps (mine) or chose the closest thing they could get to a palatable job. So what's the point of this? I just sit back sometimes and ponder if the money we work so hard for and so long for is worth it when we retire, do we plan enough to allow us to retire, do we make enough to enjoy the time before we retire, is money really what it's all about, what else would you do to provide food and housing if it wasn't for work.... all these things in my opinion have been forced upon us by the society we have created. It is the advancements in this world that makes us dependant on keeping the pace we have set. Without advancement we become stale and we would eventually cease to exist. So it is a necessary evil. Without the Todd's and Geeks of the world an entire section of society would not be where it is and who knows what global impact that industry would have if it were to disappear. I am not saying that the technology side of the world is what keeps us alive or keeps businesses running but I for one would not chose the way it used to be for the conveniences we have now because of computers and the Internet. Nor are Todd and Geek saving the world but it is within the realm that so much money is passed.

For me I am glad I have a hard job, I know that I am doing just about everything I can to plan my retirement and have a large enough nest egg to sit back one day and never have to do this again. Will I be rich? Nope, but I will not be poor and that's what is more important. It is my goal to relax within my retirement as hard as I will have ever worked in my career.

Peace Out!

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tough Week

Every now and then a week comes along and smashes you directly in the face. This has been one of those weeks. My work has been hectic, which in a way is good since it means were busy and making some cabbage. On the other hand when a million things hit you in a two day span you tend to ponder what the hell happened. Ashley has not avoided the same fate and after an absolutly horrible review/raise and we now sit at a crossroad of decisions. This is not the best of times for this type of activity to happen as we are planning our future with children and my career in mind. If I just made a little more money we would be that much closer to her being able to not work flat out when we have a child. On that same note I am supposed to have my review done here soon but with my boss in a training seminar (the same I went to in April) and the company in the first quarter panic-striken mode I would rather it wait so that I get the best I can. Its time for me to go play some fake poker.

Peace out!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Waiting is Crap!

Since Hawkins throws his poker tourney just once a month Ashley and I generally use that as our only source of Poker fun. This is just not conducive to building on my Poker skills. I have little to none of the aforementioned skills and therefore need to remedy this. I propose a mid-month poker tourney or even better a CASH game. I know that the previous team donk attempt at a cash game schedule went well for quite some time. That is until the never ending bad beats and overbearing visiting to the Hawkins house lead to its demise. I don't know how they did it every week that's a lot of work. Anyways since I am putting it out there (and also onto here) I propose we introduce a new monthly tradition. But I need some help since I don't know where everyone lives or how willing everyone is to travel for such a thing. Who out there has poker tables at their house? Who would be willing to host such an event? Who would be willing to deal TODD!!!!? Since I do not have a poker table it would be hard for me to say I'd be willing but I can probably talk the wife into doing it at least once (Poker jackasses keep it clean) in our house. Bottom line I miss the cash game I miss the banter at the table at said cash game and Hell I miss Todd dealing the game. So what do ya say what can we do we are grown peoples we can put our collective minds together to come up with some half-assed plan.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

10 Years and Counting

Today marks my ten year anniversary with Horizon. I started when it was called Mesa Sprinkler but through buyouts and merges we are now Horizon owned by SCP Pool company. What a wierd journey but all in all this company has provided me the opportunity to afford many things in my life. While I may not be exorbantly paid I know that I have great job security and always have the ability to be promoted. Since I am only just now 29 I am extra proud of myself for just being able to stick with one company for such an extended period of time. Call me nuts but I have 4 weeks of paid vacation and stock options and company matched 401k so whatever I am at least I'm planning. As I think back there a couple of big accomplishments:

I was promoted to Manager at 27 at Las Vegas biggest Store to date.

I've also completed a 12 week Dale Carnegie course and achieved 100% attendance along with being twice recognized as the weekly top leader.

I am currently the two time defending champion of Horizon's annual musical chair competition.

There are also many certifications that I have gained by attending seminars and being able to complete Horizon's extensive University learning modules three consecutive years.

I am just glad that the first ten years are in the book now I can work on where I really need to be for the next ten.

Peace Out!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Umm.... Wow

This Post just about made me crap my pants considering how close we could have come to being involved in something like this.

Many Step Process

Imperative to survival one must stop the bleeding if a wound has been created. After you are able to control or stop the incessant hemorrhaging you can then progress to repair. The repair process can be just as debilitating as stopping the bleeding. Repairing actually takes time and commitment. You can easily pick a wound causing it to reopen and fester yet again. If one resists temptation you will see the repair process does actually work. What at one time is a large gash or laceration will become a strong base for new growth. That growth will have an end result that will instill an outlook on your surroundings so indepth that you will find yourself constantly monitoring your environment. You will find yourself being careful not to succumb to the same situations that you found yourself becomming injured from in the past. It is within this obedient frame of mind that true Nirvana can be achieved.

Peace Out!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Arrg Internet Poker

I made a vow to myself a while back never to waste my money on internet poker ever again. I even deleted all the software off my computer. For some unknown reason yesterday I downloaded the software and again asked John to front me the $ so I could play in the weekly team donk tourney. Please John if I ever ask you to roll me for the internet tourney PLEASE say no. If I can't figure out how to create an account and put my own money up for something I admitedly don't fully enjoy then I shouldn't play at all. I didn't get a bad beat or anything I sure as hell didn't play that great, but there is nothing satisfying for me playing poker in that setting so I don't know why I would try again.

Besides the fact that it wasn't something that is in our budget. Considering what Ashley and I have purchased and Vacationed in the last 4 months we may have to resort (no pun intended) to Top Roman and Kool Aid to get back on track. Word to the wise... Don't purchase ANYTHING you wouldn't normally if you don't already have that bonus check that would warrant such large purchases. On a side note does anyone out there need their Landscaping done or perhaps need a massage? I am good at both and at the moment going to be cheaper than any other option out there....

Peace Out!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

100th Post!!

Since I don't post everyday I am suprised that I have hit the 100 mark. While it is cool I really don't have much more to say about it.

I really want to talk about being butt ass tired the last two days. Whew I never knew that travelling that late at night could take so much out of me. The flights were good in a never having to fear for my life kind of way. I miss Hawaii and that's the way it is supposed to be. We will continue to start saving up and we will see those beautiful islands yet again.

On a weird side note I had two boxes waiting for me when I got home yesterday. When I opened them up I found them filled with various items from my childhood. Paintings, Birthday cards, School Photos and plane tickets (?). I guess my Mom or Ed are clearing some room up for the newly arriving granddaughter they are about to have. Does this mean I am officially moved out of that house? Hmm maybe they are trying to tell me something...

Peace Out!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The End is nearing :.(

After last nights Luau and todays whale watching trip today it is evident that our time here on the island is coming to a close. While we knew this time would come upon us it is a harsh reality that the real world awaits us yet again. We have done another good job of cramming as much adventurous stuff as well as relaxing times into our vacation. We still have Thur. Fri. and most of Sat. left so we can still have time to enjoy this unbelievable place.

Peace Out Brah!