100th Post!!
Since I don't post everyday I am suprised that I have hit the 100 mark. While it is cool I really don't have much more to say about it.
I really want to talk about being butt ass tired the last two days. Whew I never knew that travelling that late at night could take so much out of me. The flights were good in a never having to fear for my life kind of way. I miss Hawaii and that's the way it is supposed to be. We will continue to start saving up and we will see those beautiful islands yet again.
On a weird side note I had two boxes waiting for me when I got home yesterday. When I opened them up I found them filled with various items from my childhood. Paintings, Birthday cards, School Photos and plane tickets (?). I guess my Mom or Ed are clearing some room up for the newly arriving granddaughter they are about to have. Does this mean I am officially moved out of that house? Hmm maybe they are trying to tell me something...
Peace Out!
So...the real question about your Hawaiian vacation....did you see anyone from "Lost"?
I do remember driving past an L&L and seeing a blurry asian, does that count?
I believe that "blurry asian" is going to become a "thing". I hope so anyway. My life would feel complete.
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