Arrg Internet Poker

I made a vow to myself a while back never to waste my money on internet poker ever again. I even deleted all the software off my computer. For some unknown reason yesterday I downloaded the software and again asked John to front me the $ so I could play in the weekly team donk tourney. Please John if I ever ask you to roll me for the internet tourney PLEASE say no. If I can't figure out how to create an account and put my own money up for something I admitedly don't fully enjoy then I shouldn't play at all. I didn't get a bad beat or anything I sure as hell didn't play that great, but there is nothing satisfying for me playing poker in that setting so I don't know why I would try again.
Besides the fact that it wasn't something that is in our budget. Considering what Ashley and I have purchased and Vacationed in the last 4 months we may have to resort (no pun intended) to Top Roman and Kool Aid to get back on track. Word to the wise... Don't purchase ANYTHING you wouldn't normally if you don't already have that bonus check that would warrant such large purchases. On a side note does anyone out there need their Landscaping done or perhaps need a massage? I am good at both and at the moment going to be cheaper than any other option out there....
Peace Out!
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