Movie Night!!

In an effort to thwart the inner workings of the demons known as work and responsibility I have conceived a plan. This plan is to gather fellow men (a maybe a female or two) over to the house and watch some flicks. Yes that's right the powerful effect of regaining some independance from the shackles of work ethic and his nasty brother overtime. It will be a group effort dialed in on the complete relaxation and comradarie of each other for the goal of enjoying a freakin weekend. Cause Damn!
So far the consensus is to watch Office Space followed up with Episodes (numbers undetermined at the moment) of The Office (english or american version again undetermined). While still in its beginning stages I think this plan has a chance of working. My only foe would be myself not remembering if we are already commited to something my wife told me about 6 weeks ago or the fact that the wife might not agree with the congregating at the casa. But we will see. I am determined however to eventually have people over to our house regardless of the opposition (don't tell her I said that :-)
Peace Out!
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