As Todd put it, there is comfort in knowing that at our individual jobs the stress and down right crap we have to deal with is not rare. I know that it doesn't make the crap go away but then again knowing you are not the only one cringing at every new email and each phone call that comes in makes it a little more bearable. So what is it about work that we allow ourselves be treated in such a way? Is it the simple fact that we need a paycheck? Is it that we want to prove to the people around us that we are made of steel and nothing will affect us? Why do allow the stress to turn our hair gray and us to lose or gain weight because we cope by eating or not eating. Can we maintain this work environment for the 40+ years it takes to build up that nest egg to allow us to retire and live off the hard work we produced for all those years? What of those who do not have the adequate retirement plan and are not actively planning for that event? Do we just work until one day that ulcer explodes in a blaze of glory releasing its deadly toxins into our body and we realize that it is work itself that is our demise? I think that it is understood that less than 1% of the world works in an area where they love their jobs, athletes, actors/actresses, doctors etc. and about 5% of the world enjoy their jobs enough to stick with it for the time needed and retire off of that hard work. It's the other 95% (the 1% is part of the 5%) that either had the career fall in their laps (mine) or chose the closest thing they could get to a palatable job. So what's the point of this? I just sit back sometimes and ponder if the money we work so hard for and so long for is worth it when we retire, do we plan enough to allow us to retire, do we make enough to enjoy the time before we retire, is money really what it's all about, what else would you do to provide food and housing if it wasn't for work.... all these things in my opinion have been forced upon us by the society we have created. It is the advancements in this world that makes us dependant on keeping the pace we have set. Without advancement we become stale and we would eventually cease to exist. So it is a necessary evil. Without the Todd's and Geeks of the world an entire section of society would not be where it is and who knows what global impact that industry would have if it were to disappear. I am not saying that the technology side of the world is what keeps us alive or keeps businesses running but I for one would not chose the way it used to be for the conveniences we have now because of computers and the Internet. Nor are Todd and Geek saving the world but it is within the realm that so much money is passed.
For me I am glad I have a hard job, I know that I am doing just about everything I can to plan my retirement and have a large enough nest egg to sit back one day and never have to do this again. Will I be rich? Nope, but I will not be poor and that's what is more important. It is my goal to relax within my retirement as hard as I will have ever worked in my career.
Peace Out!
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