The Truth is out there

Although Many believe different things if you allow yourself to ask the question someone out there will give you an answer. If your looking for that here you should seek medical help quick...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I'm not going with the Tag your it title. Oh wait.

Ok so the Tag will continue. I am geeky like that and don't mind doin stuff like this though mainly because people just flat out don't know shit about me.

Four jobs that I’ve had
- Graveyard shift janitor @ Pistol Petes Pizza
- Telemarketing (for 2 weeks) and it freakin sucked ass
- Cafeteria @ Chaparral High School (and I earned credits for it)
- Store Manager of an Irrigation Supplier (goin on 9 years ((I'm 28))

Four movies I can watch over and over
- Rounders
- Shawshank Redemption
- M.I.B. (only the first one)
- The Star Wars Series

Four places I have lived
- Springfield, NE
- Las Vegas, NV
- Do I lose points if I have only lived in two places my whole life?
- OH wait I did live in Henderson, NV for a short stint (and I do mean stint)

Four TV shows I like to watch
- Lost
- Any Poker Tournament
- Scare Tactics (not on the air anymore though)

Four foods that I like
- Port of Subs (no. 8 med. on wheat)
- Carl's Jr. Famous Star w/ cheese no onions
- Pineapple pleaser (w/ strawberry whey) from Jujji Juice
- Pizza, Pepperoni

Four websites I visit daily
- (although he hardly ever blogs)
- Newsmap

Four things I want to do before I die
- Climb El Cap
- Retire in some Beach House
- Win a National Championship in Climbing (might happen next month)
- Win a poker tourney at the Hawkins

Four people I’m tagging
- Tiffany
- Heather
- Steve
- Nobody else since I realize I know only Myspace people (sound of me gagging)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Updaters Suck

Well first off let me say that Damn I cant believe it has been 8 days since my last blog. Whew time goes by fast as hell sometimes. Ok so I have been reading this blog recently and I followed on of the links to update my treo 650. Well since I am not that computer savvy I knew I shouldnt have really tried this but I thought what the hell it has instructions (That I ACTUALLY read). I gave it a shot and I have been spending the greater of the last three days battling a constantly resetting treo and trying to save what little I could. Alas I could do nothing to save my information (thats where the computer savvy would have helped) and I had to completly reset EVERYTHING. I had to reinstall Palm onto my computer I had to erase all data on my treo and now things are back to square one. Just as if I had bought my Treo yesterday. Well lesson learned dont go off tryin to update something that is working fine. So as if me having your nuber before actually helped me keep in contact with you consider yourself aware that I have no way of contacting anyone I know since all there information was kept on that phone. Sorry. Until next time.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Weekend Schmeekend

First off let me say Thank the Lord for airline pilots. We landed in Vegas last night with 25 MPH gusts helping us along. That will make your coin purse vanish like a frightened turtle. So anyways. This weekend was filled with copiuos amounts of unescapable family time. I have not seen my brother-in-law in quite awhile since he moved to PHX. So the Vegas clan sattled up the ol' Boeing 700 and took the nice (bumpy) one hour flight. Other than a breakfast at Cracker Barrel we just stayed at their new house and watched his new Plasma (42"). Good football good conversations a party for his new house mixed in there and it was back to frigid ass Vegas. Not too often that gets said. So I hope y'alls weekend was fun and warm. check out this cool site for some neat little happenings.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Uuuhhhhh NO!

I have had a night that all days should be made of. I went over to a buddies house to play a little Hold 'em and it was a lot of fun. I think what makes it more fun for me is that there is so much fun poked at each other. From lines like "it must have been the stroke" back to a current favorite "Uuhhh NO!". So what if Chris is so delirious that she laughs at pretty much any statement we would make. Oh and by the way one must have thick skin if you be hangin with us. If you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at? So I will sleep more soundly tonight with a hearty helping of laughter on Hold 'em fun in me (heh I said in me).

Enough of that... Good night all!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Well that's Poker (But I don't feel better)

Well this months poker tournment left something to be desired. I went out in forth place again. Let's see I believe that makes 3 forth place finishes.Just outside of the money. I am pissed though that someone caught a lucky flush card on the river if he hadn't caught that i would have been in third place and more than likely finished there. To make things even better in a salt and lemon in the wound kind of way, I played the person who caught the lucky flush heads up for our side tournement. He (being the lowest seed even) beat me by me beating myself. Oh its better than that though. The hand that sent me out he caught one of the only TWO outs he had left. It just wasn't my night. John however did give me some really applicable advice and he has always been so great to me everytime I come over. Hell I am the one that busted him out of the tourney that night even and he is still cool enough to offer his two cents. Poker can be fun sometimes but when your winning its fun all the time.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Show of hands Please

First question is: how many of you work where you are sent emails throughout the entire day? Second question: of those emails how many of them contain or are supposed to contain an attachment? Lastly how many duplicate emails do you get a day that are only resent because the dumbass author forgot to put the attachment. I know this sounds trivial and it may not technically take up that much time but damn. How freakin hard is it to type your two sentence
email attach whatever confusing file you deem necessary and send it on its bandwidth waisting way? I hate to sound petty but if you do this more than once you deserve to be shock-collared, or have a company representative come by and Donkey-Punch you. Maybe thats the key to the solution. Every company should hire a person that gets to watch the employees send out their crappy emails and when they inevitably send out a screwed up email Joe "Internet Guido" gets to come over and choose from his arsenal of punishments. So you send out a heavily typo-ed email you get the angry pirate. You forward some crap about some gasoline scam, time to prepare to give a Cleveland Steamer. Oh and for you mass forwarders of that lame ass joke the ever popular Rusty-Trombone will be your lunch. So take your time if sending emails are
that tough and quit waisting my time with that stuff that you inconceivably find funny

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Read "No More Teacher's Dirty Looks"

Do you ever think this will ever fly? I have always thought schools can do better with what they have. What I do realize however though is that teachers (some not all) no longer have the same motivation. Since I was (for a short while) a teacher I know the pressures of getting through a set curriculum and yet somehow try to keep it interesting enough so that I was not speaking to coma victims. The flaw I see in this persons statement however is that he is using ultimates like "all students" but what of those that make the school paper and the cheerleader group? What of their experiences within the current school structure? I strongly beleive there is enough people on both sides of the fence to keep an arguement like this going for days. My two cents, pay the teachers more. Maybe then you'll regain the necessary excitement needed to keep a class of slackers geeks and jocks equally attentive. Maybe thats only the tip of the iceberg but if I can make Anatomy somewhat interesting I tend to believe some one can find a way to make english palpable.