The Truth is out there

Although Many believe different things if you allow yourself to ask the question someone out there will give you an answer. If your looking for that here you should seek medical help quick...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I hate that damn Murphy

There is no real way to explain the situation other than just putting it out there. One of my employees has a pregnant wife. This would be the second pregnancy that they are experiencing in their young marriage. The first however did not go past 1 month if I remember correctly. Very sad for them and being a manager there is no manual on how you console someone through that time. As tough as that was we (our workplace) were surprised to hear of this second pregnancy. Going into the second or third month of the second pregnancy there seemed to be hope for this child. But as I write this He and his wife are in an hospital room awaiting the inevitable removal of a lifeless fetus. A week ago this Friday they found out (while at the ultrasound) that their baby had no heartbeat. I sit here and contemplate how fortunate I am not to be in his position. My heart is heavy and it is hard to think of what he could be going through. I have a 10 o'clock flight to California tomorrow and it seems that no matter how stressful I may think it is knowing my store will be shorthanded my only qualified (and only bilingual) counter person will be staring blankly into his suffering wifes eyes in a hospital wondering what happened to his baby and what he did to deserve this wishing his biggest worry was a store closing properly. I can only pray for him and hope that he comes through this with no long term mental anguish.


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