23 hours of Inventory and a Poker Tourney
As it is every year we had our Annual Inventory this weekend. We started Thursday and by the end of Friday at 7 we had as much done as I was going to ask my team to do. I spent another 5 hours myself on Sat. to research every possible variance I could. Add my one hour jaunt today and we end up with a total variance of $182. I don't want to pat myself on the back too much but I am pretty sure that this has to be one of the tightest inventory variances ever. My store has roughly 400-500K in inventory and we do over 5 million in a year in sales. I know that none of my employees read my blog (probably safer that way) but I would congradulate them on a job well done and that it means next year the microscope gets even stronger.
Oh and the Poker Tourney did not go well at all for either Ashley or myself. With a 10th place and 7th place finish respectively we did not represent very strongly. I lost most of my first buyin when I had Kojack and ended up gaining trips on the river only to lose to a full house which had the ONLY OTHER jack in the deck. That is my luck in a nutshell. I went out when I failed to improve a marginal starting hand. Ashley went basically card dead after the first hour and we were on our way home well before we would have liked. By the looks of it the result of the night seemed to be a 3 way chop with Charles (that's my boy) getting the nod for first place. I do take a small bit of pleasure with Carl getting my reserved 4th place finish in my absence though!
Peace Out!