The Truth is out there

Although Many believe different things if you allow yourself to ask the question someone out there will give you an answer. If your looking for that here you should seek medical help quick...

Friday, February 10, 2006

My Wife the Procrastinator

First of let me say that my Wife is as far away from a Procrastinator as humanly possible. Example 1. We have been talking for years about planning to have a baby and until recently the overall outlook has been to wait. Well that changed about a month ago and here's how my Wife responds.

Ashley - So what are you thinkin the time frame is for children
Craig - Well after this year and traveling so much maybe next year (2007).
Ashley - That's what I'm thinkin

Within 24 hours the following phone call happened.

Craig - Hello
Ashley - This Doctor takes our insurance and this hospital does also and I have a GYN appointment with the doctor next month.
Craig - Heh OK Damn I gotta go now

I truly believe that we may have the worlds first 7 month pregnancy (minus all the premies)

I love her to Death but she don't let nothing simmer in the pot for nothing. Hell we don't even own a Crockpot. Oh and this week was Classic. Sunday we talk about looking at house around our neighborhood just to see what's out there and again within a Day we have a Real Estate Rep. an appointment with a loan person and someone coming over to our house TOMORROW to appraise the joint and see what we can squeeze out of here. Which reminds me to reiterate I hate yard work and I just installed Synthetic Turf in our backyard in a day. So maybe her traits are starting to rub off on me.

I'd give my left nut right now for a Massage and a Jacuzzi!


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