The Truth is out there

Although Many believe different things if you allow yourself to ask the question someone out there will give you an answer. If your looking for that here you should seek medical help quick...

Monday, February 27, 2006

pics of the trip

Here is a link to the pics from my trip to Nationals. According to the Scoring it looks as though they allowed two people to stay in our category when they are actually in the next category up. Long story short I guess that means that I got 4th place instead of sixth and I am only 10 points away from being third. It boils down to the fact that I fell one more time than the guy in third. Crap that stings.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Zipiddy Do Da

Time sure does fly fast. Well lets see what the updates are to be had. Not sellin the house the house are just too damn expensive. Got 6th place in the National Championships. Uhhh thats about it. I have been watchin the olympics and we are getting our asses handed to us. Other than that hope you all are havin fun send me a comment sometime.


Friday, February 10, 2006

My Wife the Procrastinator

First of let me say that my Wife is as far away from a Procrastinator as humanly possible. Example 1. We have been talking for years about planning to have a baby and until recently the overall outlook has been to wait. Well that changed about a month ago and here's how my Wife responds.

Ashley - So what are you thinkin the time frame is for children
Craig - Well after this year and traveling so much maybe next year (2007).
Ashley - That's what I'm thinkin

Within 24 hours the following phone call happened.

Craig - Hello
Ashley - This Doctor takes our insurance and this hospital does also and I have a GYN appointment with the doctor next month.
Craig - Heh OK Damn I gotta go now

I truly believe that we may have the worlds first 7 month pregnancy (minus all the premies)

I love her to Death but she don't let nothing simmer in the pot for nothing. Hell we don't even own a Crockpot. Oh and this week was Classic. Sunday we talk about looking at house around our neighborhood just to see what's out there and again within a Day we have a Real Estate Rep. an appointment with a loan person and someone coming over to our house TOMORROW to appraise the joint and see what we can squeeze out of here. Which reminds me to reiterate I hate yard work and I just installed Synthetic Turf in our backyard in a day. So maybe her traits are starting to rub off on me.

I'd give my left nut right now for a Massage and a Jacuzzi!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Diarrhea of the Mouth

I know it's been a week since my last post but to put it straight, a lot of stuff that's been comin out of my mouth has been ugly. Let's recap. So its Saturday afternoon and I just had a productive day at work (4 hours and they went fast). I leave work to go give Stephanie her mail. Since she lives so dang close it was really easy I show up and chat with her and her two girls. Now if you know me I am not that great of a kid person but I don't hate nobody it's that I just don't know how to act around them since they are just kids. Normally her girls are all over the place havin fun and playin but for some reason when they were out front with Steph and I this gem came about:

Stephs Girls - Hey mom can we go to the mall now to get Kirstens ears pierced?
Steph - No not right now we still have to get dressed and you just woke up.
Stephs Girls - But I want to go to the mall now.
Steph - If you are going to have that attitude we won't go at all.
Stephs Girls - AAAhhhh but MOM
Craig "The Dumbass" - That's what you get for being annoying.

Yea good stuff. I hate feeling like an ass and I really hate it when I don't mean to be. I did apologize to Steph and she is uncomparably nice and forgiving.

Round 2. Thats right I had all cylinders hitting that day. So the setup is that my friend and now employee James has a studio setup at his house so that he can record his music (definetly a big passion in his life). I go to his house directly after the Stephanie incident (as I call it). He shows me the setup he uses to play bf2 and then plays a couple of his new songs that he has created. So here it goes.

James - Plays song
Craig - Deer in a headlight look since I am just listening to the song for the first time
James - Stops song thinking I am not interested
Craig - Hey why did you stop that?
James - Here listen to this one.
Craig - Another deer in a headlight. I like the songs but I am not gonna just start moshin or kickin shit around in his Studio.
James - OOO K take a listen to this one that is just a dance type beat that I put together.
Craig - This song is cool. You are really good at putting these beats together
James - Thanks
Craig "The Dumbass" - You should just do all your songs without lyrics the beats are always great (James is the Only Vocal and writer of the band)

Yea that was fun. So you know that wasnt it you know I had something great hidden under that calevarium. So I did. I knew that I could offend atleast a couple more people in a day without realizing I am doing it. AAhhh yes the power of the Dumbass.
So later that night Ashley and I had a Poker party to go to which pretty much means Ashley and I were going to go over to somebody's house and give them our money. This time it is the Politi househould. Mike and Michelle both fun people with a WIDE variety of friends. Case in point their friends Ken and Drew. Ken and Drew were married in Canada and live in Vegas so if you hadn't caught on yet they are Homosexuals. We have hung out with Ken and Drew on many many occasions and get along great with them. They were actually the only two people that came to my SuperBowl party last year. So how does this one go down you might be asking. We were playing Taboo (how appropiate) and Ken was trying to get Drew to guess the answers.

Ken - Umm put stuff into a container. Umm What do you have to do before a trip.
Timer - Bzzzzzz
Craig "The Dumbass Supreme" - Why didn't you just say "Fudge Blank"

OK so maybe that's not the best way for the friends that Ashley and I brought with us to find out their sexual orientation but my Dumbassedness knows no bounds. So if you are hanging out with me and all of the sudden you hear a loud thud that's probably somebody's jaw hitting the ground after a comment I will inevitably make.

Todays the SuperBowl all I can say is "Go Steelers!"

p.s. The Hawkins monthly poker tourney was last night. 4th place again. I think that makes five in a row. Wahoo for streaks.