The Truth is out there

Although Many believe different things if you allow yourself to ask the question someone out there will give you an answer. If your looking for that here you should seek medical help quick...

Monday, April 02, 2007

Open Mouth insert foot

Or in this case feet.

In my blogging mind I generally just have a thought and blog about it. While sometimes these are random thoughts every once in a while I pick out what I feel like talking about. This is the case for my baby talk post a few days ago. It seems I have struck a nerve with the wifey about my protral of my "having a baby" opinion. Let me get a couple things out there to clear the air.

1. I do want to have a baby and I just want the baby to be healthy I am not partial to male or female (I want a boy).

2. The fact that there are many around us that are currently prego or are contemplating pregnancy really does not make my life any harder. Ashley has been more than understanding about my reluctancy to concieve.

3. I am (in all honesty) honored by the fact that Ashley was able to assemble our friends baby shower. In a conversation I had with Ashley months ago I stated to her that Lisa has many choices of people around her that she could ask to do this. It is a unique experience, as a woman can only have one first baby shower. The magnitude of how special that event is not lost on me. Truth be known I never once said anything to her about not going with any idea she had no matter the cost or involvement I let her do her thing because I wanted her to have fun with it and put together a great experience for a VERY deserving person.

Peace Out!


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