In a Galaxy far far away....

The beautiful thing about blogging is that you start out with all these great ideas and theories on how you are going to keep your blog fresh and exciting. You first start by posting nearly every single day for a week maybe even two and then you hit a wall. All the funny thoughts and theories you have of the world and its vaarious polices begins to die away. You spend then next few months posting a couple times a week because the luster of blogging has not yet been lost. But then it happens a chunk of time passes and you begin to realize that while you still have all these quirky events and thoughts in your life you never actually get off your ass and blog about them. Of course this is an assumption that you don't spend nearly every waking hour in a day on or near a computer and blogging would require you to make an effort to get to a computer. I would be safe to say that the regular visitors to this blog (thank you by the way) are in a category like myself that finds ourselves on on near the computer ALL FREAKIN DAY. I think its also safe to assume that most of us visit other bloggers and read there diatribes wondering why the heck dont THEY post everyday the lazy bastards. So what is the point? Well I really dont know but I find myself on so many occasions during the day thinking of quirky thoughts and most definetly find myself involved around interesting and laughable situations. What I dont understand is why I get so damn lazy when it comes to updating my posts. It could be that the extra keystrokes to log onto this site takes all of 4 seconds. Or it could be that there are sports in my vacinity and after reading Todd's comments on his blog that I am satisfied with my internet experience for the day and am ready to move on. I dont really know. I do wish that my immediate family would read more and comment more makin me feel a little more obligated to post. My family has a gene that is rare that prohibits us for making phone calls to each other or writing emails to each other. I guess it was triggered by this influx of technology that allows us to communicate so much easier and cheaper than ever before. It causes our brains to go into vapor lock causing the autonomic nervous system to kick in flailing us around in a clicking frenzy causing us to destroy cell phones and logout of the internet. It really is quite tragic. Ok well hope you enjoyed the tangent and its off to work and more of not calling or writing my brother....
Peace Out!
When you commit to a daily blog like I have, it's a little easier because I don't expect to come up with something amazing every day, just something printable. And having my family bitch at me endlessly when I miss a couple days in a row is also a good motivator :-) The best part about regularly blogging is that when something interesting does happen, you're already in the habit of thinking about blogging so it becomes almost second nature. Most of my "supplemental" posts are like that. Case in point, vagina shaped sushi.
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