Right and Left is not a Menage-a-trois
So the wife is out of town this weekend. What is a guy to do that is lives in Vegas has some $ he can spend? Well friday was spent getting caught up on Big Brother, So you think you can dance (screw you the chicks are hot ((along with the host)) and other shows. Saturday worked until noon then went home a took a nap. Yea I know big Player in the House. Well I did end up going to dinner with the Hawkins' at Olive Garden, which turned out to be a front for asking me to help move a desk (which O would have gladly done anyways). Then whilst at the Hawkins' we watched Sin City. That movie is freaky but since I like comics it was easy for me to watch and I was good enough on its own. So that was my Saturday. Not the erotic Soiree I was expecting but I was never into that much anyways -cough-. So today I served at church and met up again with my love child John Hawkins to play some cards at Sunset and had my worst experience at a tourney possible. Not a freakin hand dealt to me the whole time. Not a pair not Ace anything good just horse crap with extra kick in the nuts to go. But I did provide the MOJO for john to win some chunks o moola at roulette (which he ended up pretty much giving back to sunset anyways). So now I am home waiting for my darling wife to get home. I should do some bills and clean the place up so she sees I'm not completly useless on my own.
Peace Out
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