The Truth is out there

Although Many believe different things if you allow yourself to ask the question someone out there will give you an answer. If your looking for that here you should seek medical help quick...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The big 1K

After my self proclaimed momentus achievement of getting to 100 post the next biggest accomplishment has been hit. As of today (according to sitemeter) my site has hit its 1000 view. On the grand scale of things that's actually a freakin low number. Considering there are tons of sites that achieve that hit that number every hour. Granted I put no effort into drawing attention to my site thru various internet means. So while I blask in the glory of my achievement I bid you all a farewell and I hope all have had a great Easter and have a even better week.

Peace Out!

p.s. I didn't have sitemeter running on this site until Jan. 16th of 2006 and I started this site in Nov. of 2005....


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