Time to Vent!
So poker can suck my ass right about now. Actually no I take that back I love poker the game has no problems with it. What I would really like have give me a rusty is LUCK or for that matter the lack of luck. I will never claim that I am a great poker player or a very skilled poker player but I would like to think that I do have some skill and I do make some good plays. Tonight I wasn't playing bad I was sticking to only playing good hands and for the most parts I was squeking by. Then came along 10/J off (LOL) so I call the big blind from middle position (ok so far). Flop comes out blank 10 J. Yea baby 2 pair. John is first to act he bets 700. I go all in for 1375 more there was a fold and then back to John. He thinks for a couple seconds starts fiddling with chips moving them in and out of the pot and eventually calls me. I figured he had two overs turns out he has K Q off. So yea I say "well it's been fun" and sure enough a 9 hits on the turn so John makes his straight a blank on the river seals my fate and I get up refusing a handshake from John (that was probably bad etiquette). So I leave with Ashley just absolutly fuming. Why is it that I have such bad luck. Why is it that everyone else that I play against has so much better luck than I. Should I just go all in every time I have even the most mediocre hand a pray that I can get away with the blinds? I would love to see the stat on how many times I have ever doubled up when it was no limit. I would imagine (not trying to exagerate) that it has been about 3 times. That's right I think that there is no possible way for me to win a tourney unless I have the absolute dead nuts hand every f'in time. I mean it too because when I make good plays like I believe I did tonight people always get lucky against me. It is sickining. Just check out the geeks only link on this page and you will see that I have 5 count em 5 4th place finishes (yea I have 3 firsts too). Ask anyone that has played in those tourneys with me and they will tell you that yea every time I have gone out its been to a higher straight or higher flush or higher kicker. Oh and 9 times out of 10 it'll be on the river (yea i know that's why they put it out there). So what's next? I have no freakin clue I like to play I just hate gettin so unlucky I would love to just once maybe even twice in a night to have a big pot go my way. I am not askin to be the luckiest guy in the world and win every time I play I would just like to not have it be so predictable. I can gaurantee that when I play next month the same thing will probably happen my hope is that I don't get eliminated again because of it.
Peace Out. No wait Go fuck yourself lady luck.
I've said it before, poker is a fickle bitch.
If you read my blog, and I know you do, you saw my post about Running Good. Immediately after writing that, I went on a horrible run of cards that saw me lose a LOT of tournaments. I posted about that as well. Right after writting the second post about my negative run of cards, things turned around and I cashed in my next few tourneys. But, I promise you, there will be a string of tourneys i play in where I miss the money, get unlucky, take a bad beat, etc...
Think about this, between the time of the April tourney and the May tourney, I had a hot streak and a cold streak. I played in no less than 12 tournaments plus 4 cash games in that time. And that is not counting either the April or May tourney. You, on the other hand, played a total of 2 times in that time frame, if I'm remembering correctly. You played a cash game and a single tourney at Sahara. So, to you, it seems like you haven't won IN A LONG TIME! Well, technically speaking, it's been MONTHS since you had a winning session. But, it has really only been 4 or 5 sessions ago that you took first place in a tourney. So, I ask you, does that really sound all that bad? And, how about this, you have 3 first place finishes at my place. You have played in my tourney 16 times. That means you finish first 1 out of every 5.33 times you play here. If we played 12 times per month, you'd win twice a month. But, since it's once a month, you are going to win 2 times per year (on average). Now, I mean absolutely no offenes to Carl here, but, last night was his first time to finish in the money. He has played in our tourney 9 times.
I believe that you are too down on yourself and you feel that you are unlucky. This brings on negative karma. You are not a bad poker player. But, in your mind, you have doomed yourself. You sit down waiting to get unlucky because, in your mind you know it's going to happen. You can't think like this. Part of it is the groups fault, I realize. We give you shit about finishing 4th. And, I think you let it get to you and rather than playing to win, you are playing NOT to finish 4th.
A couple final thoughts:
- Next time I bust you out (oh, it'll happen again), if I offer you my hand to shake, your ass better shake my hand with an F'n smile. I'd do the same to you no matter what. Even if you didn't shake my hand after leaving the table, not shaking it before leaving was a dick thing to do. Throw out the card game and everything else and we are still friends at the end of the day.
- In poker, all you can do is try to get your money in with the best hand. You did that. Secondly, you want to put other players to tough decisions. You did that, too. Even after playing the hand perfectly, you still lost the hand. You can NOT focus on the result of the play after all 5 cards hit the board. Think about how you played up until all the money was in. Think of the position you put me in after putting in a healthy bet.
- Lastly, don't take it personally. I knocked my wife out last night. I made a straight on the river on that hand. :)
Ahhh yes the Poker is a fickle bitch comment. Just about everything you said in your comment is exactly the same as the conversation Ashley and I had on the way home. I did feel bad for not shaking your hand but I was a little pissed. At the game not the player I repetedly said as I was talking to Ash that I have nothing but the highest respect of you as a person and player I respect your skill and your efforts towards the game. If I had it again to do I would have played the same exact way and I would shake your hand. I know that was a bad etiquette thing to do and above all disrespectful to the friendship that we have created. I know that ultimately there is no hard feelings between us but I'd agree that was a dick thing to do. And of course I will be there next month shooting at it again and believe me the thinking of NOT getting forth has not been in my mind because I know of the negative karma it brings its just that I don't flat play enough to see the streaks go in both directions. Thanks for being there for me and keeping me challenged. I have an infinty for being the Poo-Poo pants and it sucks. But I still say Lady Luck can go fuck herself.
Lady Luck can go fuck herself? If I do recall someone cracked my pocket aces with KT...not exactly a stellar hand. You lose that hand, you would've been crippled...2/3 of your stack gone. I often find it funny that we remember all the bad beats but never the bad beats we put on other people. I put a bad beat on John with a two-outer and he reminds me of it all the time. He put a bad beat on me with a one-outer and I remind him of it all the time. By the way, wasn't it you that got lucky in our heads up competition --in all three matches no less. All you can do is put your money in with the best of it and hope it holds up. IF NOT, OH FUCKIN WELL...that is poker. Honestly, I can remember pretty much how I was knocked out of about 75 tourneys...THE EXACT FREAKIN CARDS...most times I had the best of it when all the chips were in, sometimes I didn't. Craig, luck is a factor in this game but maybe you should fold the JT in middle position or raise with it...there is that option. Like I wrote early, we usually remember the bad beats, not the bad beats we put on other people. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN...GET USED TO IT.
See know that is the hard hitting honesty I love to hear. Actually no wait I hate to hear that stuff because if it wasn't for luck I guess I would win everytime. Yea right. Anyways charles is absolutely right, I can remember almost all of the hands that took me out of the tourneys only because a hell of a lot of them were when I was ahead. It is not too often that I call someones good plays. Maybe because I played scared all the time Hmm? Either way getting bad beats put on you sucks royaly it's how you react when they happen. Me, I got all poopy pants and wanted to go off and pout like a little baby. Everyone else I guess can take it like players and shake the hands of the fortunate and sit on the side patiently waiting for the next game. If there are only two things I can improve on myself in my life it would be how I react to those types of situations. Nine times out of ten they are going to put me in such a state that I won't even shake a guys hand that played the same game I was trying to play. The other thing well just you dont worry about that but I can work on the reaction thing. If everyone knew the risk and ups and downs of poker they probably wouldn't play as much but for those of us who do (I especially) can't be dicks when the bad happens to us and be gloatin bastards when the good happens. OH and BTW I genuinly felt bad for crackin your aces for whatever reason I hate to put a bad beat on someone when they have aces and are all in. I think that knocked you out right? That's just not right that's just not fair. Lastly if anything I am glad that you guys are man enough to stick it back in my face when it is so justly due. It's these kind of moments that make me glad that I can hang out with you all.
Dude...it is right that you cracked my aces....IT HAPPENS. That is the point of this whole argument; it is going to happen and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Anyways, just get your money in with the best and HOPE.
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