The Truth is out there

Although Many believe different things if you allow yourself to ask the question someone out there will give you an answer. If your looking for that here you should seek medical help quick...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Transporter 2 WTF!

Let me first admit something. I am a sucker for action movies with shit blowing up and car chases and fight scenes. I do however take every movie critically. What I mean is that I get frustrated when a movie takes something that should be realistic and turns into something that you just can't buy into. Now onto Transporter 2. If you haven't seen it.... Well let me put it this way. Here is a great premise that they butchered so badly that some would say it was clearly a case of Velociraptors. Cars doing a spin in the air clipping a hook hanging from a crane to remove a bomb? Oh and there are even a couple of scenes where you just see Frank appear out of nowhere. I love a good explosion but damn. My final word or I should say challenge is to watch that movie and I dare you not to see the scenes where they are using computer technology or blue screens. Was the tech guys recent dropouts from the local Junior college graphic arts class? OK well enough of that.

Peace Out.

p.s. the photo... 1 dollar to the first who can tell me where it is from!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Complete Week

So I blogged earlier about training for 5 days a week. Well until this week (due to unexpected work load) I have'nt had a full week of training accomplished. So today marks the fifth day in a row that I have either gone climbing or been at LVAC (John you remember what that is right?). So you might be asking (Are you out of your fuckin mind?) how am I feeling. Well to be honest not too bad. I am a little tired but thank the Lord for Jacuzzi's. I spent a couple of minutes regaining my strength from the Spin class I just finished. Ahh that was good. Well it is my bedtime so I will see you next time.

Peace Out!

Monday, August 21, 2006

want to try something out

So i frequent the 606diaries about everyday and it seems as though there is a better connection with the blog when there is a pic involved. So I am going to try something similar with this entry (insert another perverted joke here). I am actually a very busy person but when it comes down to it I am only busy with the same things every week. I went over my weekly agenda a while back so I won't bore you with that again but my point is it is a damn fast world we live in. With the weather being half way decent here in Vegas lately it is not odd that I find myself sort of living here. On another completly different note (which seems to be the theme of this blog) The last blog entry was my 69th blog entry on Blogger (so I am a little perverse myself). Not that it constitutes any accomplishment but hey its a cool #. Oh and I am excited that poker is back. I am however very dissapointed that it will never consist of Todd dealing for us or the visual and verbal enjoyments we would normally have. Instead we are moving into the digital age and playing a weekly poker tourney through Go there if interested and email me for a password request if you wanna play. My biggest concern is that I have only one computer and Ashley likes to play. I am not a computer geek with 8 computers to play around with. That and I really dont want Ashley knowing what I am playing with if we did have seperate computers. Which makes me think of some of the other players in our tourney. Hmmm sneaky bastards. Well anyway gonna go train see you later.

Peace Out

p.s. we'll see how this posting a pic thing works out.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Busy Month

So it has been a hectic month. For beginners I have officially changed my store location that I am managing. In the hopes that my company continues to move forward in opening stores it is my goal that I will be in a location actually close to my house. It is actually supposed to be within two miles driving distance from my casa. I can't even fathom that. Anyways, I have been going through some pains lately every poker get together that I participate in has been cancelled. The Hawkins monthly tourney the weekly cash game. Hell even the Jack tourney which I don't go to very often was cancelled. I think they were all cancelled for completly seperate reason but no poker for me none the less. Other than that I have been training and seeing some results. Not on the wal but in the amount of weight I am able to manipulate at the Gym (insert perverted joke here). Ok kids off to the Reggae show at the district.

Peace Out!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I could have walked away!

Had fun last night playing poker until the last hand (of course). I get dealt A/Q offsuit. That in of itself should be my biggest indicator to lay the hand down. I hate A/Q. SO here's how the hand plays out:

I'm in the small blind w/ As Qh it has been raised to 5 bucks before it gets to me and I call (mistake numero uno)

flop comes out Spade Spade Spade (wahoo I'm on the nut flush draw). I'm first to act so I bet 4 bucks everyone folds except the button who raises it to 15. Ok so I lay it down I tell everyone it's been a fun night and I take home 68 dollars I made my money back and a bit of Ashleys that she lost I'm a happy man. NOT EXACTLY! (mistake number 2) I make the call.

Turn Jack o diamonds comes out. Sweet so now I'm on a gut shot straight draw and the nut flush draw but I have a psycho raiser behind me so I check. He goes all-in. I go into the tank hard. I know he has the flush already and I am thinking if I feel like tryin to catch one of the only (supposed) 6 spades left out there. it's a 12% chance to hit. This was a bad mistake I needed to walk away it's not worth I played great I made all my money back after being way short stacked.

Oh yea I call and the beautiful 3 of Diamonds is the river. Good night everybody that was sucky.

But I got up I didn't cuss or really do anything other than shake everyone's hand and say goodnight. So here's my synopsis of my night. I play ok with my first twenty but end up needing to rebuy. On my second twenty I double up with Aces once I triple up with Aces once I won two medium sized pots with K7 twice in a row and a third win in a row with K/10 off. Other than the last hand I was picking up hands I was taking down pots. I don't see where I was outplayed once. It was a good night I gambled on one hand it didn't work out and I walk away with no money. but that's not the total point. I played good and when it came down to it I got unlucky to come up against that hand as the last hand. total money before that pot 72.75. I would have walked away with 155.50 if I win. I would have been a real happy man. Thanks Todd where are you buyin me lunch at?

Peace Out!